She is our Mother too

Photo by Ev on Unsplash

Maybe you were one of those children that often found yourself begging your mum for several things. Repeatedly calling out her name, asking many questions and demanding with persistence the things you want. Yep! Sounds just about right?

Have you ever thought that the Rosary is an act of this repeated asking and calling upon Our Lady? She too is a Mother and She is Our Mother. She is a Mother that loves us, protects us and wants us to be very happy and very close to her Son, Jesus. She hears our every prayer and request, as little as it may seem or even how big it is. She hears it and she wants to intercede for us! When Mary went to Jesus at the wedding Feast at Cana because the wine had run out, She did it without the bride and the groom even knowing, because She wanted them to have the best wedding, and to enjoy the special day they were having. She asked on their behalf to Jesus. And what did Jesus do? He obeyed His Mother. And you? She will also ask for your intentions and Jesus will obey her request! 

The Rosary may often seem as a drag, very boring and can easily put us to sleep. Maybe the 5 decades are too much to even bare! But the value of the Rosary is so beautiful. I once heard a priest say at Mass that when we say the Rosary, each Hail Mary that we pray, is a rose to Our Lady. In the end, we give Her a bouquet of at least 50 roses! Can you imagine the beauty, the sight? Even as children, we find little flowers and are quick to pick them and take for our own mothers. Well, this act of saying the Rosary too gives us the same privilege of carrying flowers to Our Lady too! 

In 1917, when Mary first appeared in Fatima, Portugal to the three little children of ages 7,9 and 10, She continuously asked them to pray the rosary every day for peace in the World. These children were younger than you and I, but Mary asked this special request of them and every time She appeared to them this was one of the requests She made of them as children! I always think how fervently they would have prayed the rosary after seeing Mary appear before them in her beauty and gentleness!! Well, we too can feel that gentleness when we pray the Rosary to Our Mother. 

The month of May is a time to include Mary into our lives, and if She’s there already, we can include Her even more. It’s a time to renew that love for Her and ask Her to help us even more in the daily challenges and experiences we have in our day to day lives. Don’t look at Mary as a young girl that had a great story hundreds of years ago in Bethlehem. No! She’s your mother, even today and She takes your every request very seriously. Maybe the entire rosary is too much for you to start with, but maybe start with giving her 10 roses, one decade a day, and I can assure you the joy She will feel! And as you go along, She, as a mother, will not fail to give you more grace to say more decades each day. 

Let’s run to her intercession more often in May, remembering that Mary is our Mother, She is my Mother. 

Chelsea Jardim