Star Input - Begin with the end in mind

Photo by Ev on Unsplash

Sean Covey is a motivational speaker who encourages young people to discover and develop 7 key habits to live their best life. These “7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens” include:

Habit #2: Begin with the end in mind. 

What does this mean? It means having a goal for yourself. Knowing your destination before you get started. Knowing where you are going so all you have to figure out is your next step to get there. 

A lot of us wait till things happen or wait till someone else decides our “end”, our goal for us. But, what if you stopped today, now, to think--where am I going? Who do I want to be? Why do I do the things that I do? 

You may be well on your way to articulating your goal. 

You are in control of your future and your happiness; no one else is. 

Did you know that…

  • Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team?

  • Walt Disney was fired from one of his first jobs for having no imagination?

  • Albert Einstein did not speak until he was 4 and his teachers said he would never amount to much?

  • The Beatles were rejected by a sound company who said they have no future in show business?

  • Beethoven’s music teacher once told him he was a hopeless composer?

If they had stopped after these failures, we would not have one of the greatest basketball stars ever, Disney movies, astrophysics and the theory of relativity, “Hey Jude” and other classics, and Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. 

These individuals knew what their goal was and that every day they had to work towards that goal through small achievable steps. 

They also knew that to take those small achievable steps they would have to say yes to some things and say no to other things. To say yes, we have to say no to something! 

We all fail. But failing means growing. Remember, the goal is where we are headed. Getting there is a journey and that journey will be full of successes and failures. 

  1. What is your goal for yourself? Who do you want to be? Write down your goal. 

  2. Then write down 5 steps to making that goal happen. 

  3. What do you have to say no to to take those steps? Write those “No’s” down.

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The Fearless Team

This blog post is part of our “Star Input”. Star Input is used for sessions with the girls attending the activities at Fearless. We normally have one Star Input each month so everyone, no matter where they are in Ireland can discuss this topic.

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